Education / Non-profit
For nearly twenty years, governments, non-profits, and corporate enterprises alike have trusted Fulcrum. Not all organizations are in it to make money. But just because these organizations are not for profit or government, doesn’t mean that their identity management concerns are any less critical. In fact, in many educational and non-profit organizations, identifying people is even more necessary than their less altruistic siblings.

On the school campus, biometrics can shore up security issues at all points of entry, from facilities to data storage to cyberspace. Biometrics can improve accuracy and speed nearly everywhere identity verification is used– cafeterias, libraries, gyms, bookstores, etc.– and totally transform the student experience while helping administrations control costs.
For non-profits and NGOs, biometrics have facilitated progress for organizations large and small. The applications are myriad. Biometrics helps homeless shelters and state HMIS’s protect shelter assets and ensure accurate data arrives at the HMIS. Biometrics assist in banking and child welfare programs in third-world countries. Like in most organizations, using biometrics to ensure the identities of employees, contractors, and clients can make nonprofits more secure, improve data accuracy, and speed up the most painful processes.

The beauty of being Fulcrum Biometrics is that we can help build solutions for all these use cases. Some of our solutions are ready out-of-the-box, like bioLOGIN™ for sophisticated Single Sign-On. Additionally– and even better– we can help enable biometrics in just about any application with our trademarked Fulcrum Biometrics Framework (FbF®). And with our dozens of biometrics partners and our commitment to being brand agnostic, we can put together the best and most economical solution for you available.
Let’s be creative. Bring us your identity management needs and let’s figure out how to solve them together.
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